

不还车贷可能会扣车,但这并非 always the case。 If you miss your car payment, it may be taken away from you. However, it's important to understand that this may not always happen.银行 or financial institutions may take other measures, such as sending you a notice to pay immediately, demanding that you return the car, or taking it by legal action.

If you miss your car payment, it's important to contact the bank or financial institution as soon as possible. They may be able to provide you with a solution. If you can't pay, you may want to discuss with the债权人 to see if there is any way to分期还款 or reduce the interest rate.
总结起来,不还车贷可能会扣车,但这并非 always the case。因此,如果无法偿还车贷,请尽快采取行动。